On the Origins of Christianity
By Ralph Perrier
I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed - Romans 15:18
Table of Contents
Ancient Alias Names List
Chapter 1: The Creation of Christianity
1.1 Imperial Cult
1.2 The Cult of Antinous and the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–136 CE)
Chapter 2: The Origins of Judaism
Judaism2.1 Ethnogenesis of the Jews
2.2 The Myth of a Jewish People
2.2.1 Alexandria
2.2.2 Romanization
2.2.3 Modern Judaism
Chapter 3: The Origins of Zoroastrianism
3.1 Zoroaster and Jewish Influence
3.2 Zoroastrianism’s Impact on Subsequent Religions
Chapter 4: The Origins of Buddhism
4.1 Buddhism’s Roots in Zoroastrianism
4.2 The Hellenization of Buddhism
Chapter 5: Alexander the Great
5.1 Alexander’s Influence on Religious Thought
5.2 Alexander as a Prototype for the Jesus Figure
Chapter 6: Ancient India
6.1 The Asuras and Jewish Influence
6.2 The Aryan Invasion and the Evolution of Indian Religions
Chapter 7: The Alexandrian School
7.1 The Role of the Alexandrian School in Religious Syncretism
7.2 The Creation of the Septuagint and Its Impact
Chapter 8: The Origins of Gnosticism
8.1 Simon Magus and the Creation of Gnosticism
8.2 Gnosticism’s Influence on Early Christianity
Chapter 9: Rome
9.1 The Role of the Herodians in Rome
9.2 Alexandria, Egypt. 1st Century
Appendix A. How Did Christianity Spread So Rapidly?
Appendix B. Expulsions from Rome for Trying to Spread Religions\
Christianity is the culmination of the subverson of a subversion of a subversion, over several centuries, of a religion. That is why there is a extremely powerful psychological weapon at its core (See: Book II: Christianity as a Slave Morality Religion and its Modern Secularized Variants: A Jewish Conspiracy and Hoax on the Gentiles).
My research suggests that over two millennia ago, the term ‘Jew’ denoted the Iudii or Iudaei, a Celtic tribe whose religious practices were rooted in Druidism. The Greek Ptolemaioi at the Alexandrian School sought to bring this group under their control and assimilate them by incorporating Hellenistic elements into their religious beliefs which lead to the creation of what was the first draft of Judaism. Subsequently, a few centuries later, the Romans replicated this strategy of subversion by further undermining the already transformed religious framework of the Jews through the imposition of the Roman imperial cult, specifically, the Flamen Dialis cult or the cult of the Divine Julius. The jewish god then became I(J)upiter (who was also called Jove or Iove to the Romans. The Latin pronunciation of Iove would have been Yoh-Way, or Yahweh), and their Moshiach (Messiah) was reinterpreted as Julius Caesar, I(J)upiter-Zeus (I-Zeus-> Izeus-> Iseus).
Then, sometime after the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–136 CE), a group of Romans that included Gamaliel/St. Gamaliel aka Tiberius Gemellus who was a grandson of Emperor Tiberius and a cousin of Emperor Caligula, a Rabbi named Akiva (Paul the Apostle?), Aquila of Sinope aka Onkelos who was a nephew of emperor Hadrian, Markianos of Alexandria aka Marcion of Sinope, Simon ben Yohai, Ketia bar Shalom aka Titus Flavian Clemens who was a cousin of the emperor Domitian aka ‘Clement of Rome’, and Rabbi Meir who was the grandson of emperor Nero, and all of them working on behalf of emperor Hadrian, tried to subvert this group further by adding a slave-morality to the slave-morality religion.
Based on this historical context, my research is focused on identifying the people who wrote the bible, the context in which they wrote it, and my thesis addresses the question of motive, specifically, who benefited from the invention of Christianity. My methodologies are multifaceted: revisionist historiography, counter-narrative analysis, and historical deconstruction. The main sources that inspired my research are listed in the ‘further reading’ section at the end of the book.
Throughout antiquity, from the pharaohs of Egypt to the emperors of Persia and Rome, religion served as a key instrument of imperial control, using syncretism to create a compliant population that served the interests of the ruling elite. These elites employed religion, as well as an incredible number of regional aliases, locations, fictional stories, and fabricated deaths for their family members to control the population. They role-played as deities, religious figures, and various characters as if they were actors in a play. This was done to obscure the fact that the people were ruled by dynasties and to give the population an illusion of upward social mobility or implanting a sense of false hope. It is impossible for any religion to have have sprug up organically. The royal families controlled the dissemenation of religious texts, and the punishment for spreading a religion that might compete with an imperial cult was death.
The figure of Jesus Christ (of Nazareth) was a literary creation of these elites, incorporating elements of various historical and mythological figures to appeal to a wide audience. This character then became an avatar for several historical figures in an imperial cult.
Julius Caesar was the first ‘Jesus’ (I(J)upiter-Zeus (I-Zeus-> Izeus-> Iseus)). The Romans used a system called ‘interpretatio graeca’ to associate their gods with local ones as part of their colonial program. Julius Caesar, as the claimed ‘son of I(J)upiter’ (there was no J in Latin) would have been Iupiter-Zeus to let the Greeks know that Iupiter and Zeus were equivalent deities (Roman Jupiter and Greek Zeus both derive from the Aryan skyfather ‘Dyeus Pter’. The name Zeus comes from the pronunciation of Dyeus, and Jupiter comes from the pronunciation of ‘Dyeus Pter’). Then subsequent emperors took on this role. I-Zeus (Izeus) eventually phonetically shifted to I-zas/Izas/Izates.\
There was a Byzantine 1 imperial cult where Julius Caesar 2 took on the role of Asander, King of Bosphorus 3 (the city of Byzantine, later called Constantinople and now Istanbul was/is located in the area called Bosphorus), and his wife Cleopatra used the regional alias of Dynamis Ourania 4 (translates to ‘heavenly power’), queen of Bosporus
Fig. 1.1. (L) Asander, King of Bosphorus, (R) Julius Caesar
Fig. 1.2. (L) Dynamis, Queen of Bosphorus, (R) Cleopatra VII. There was obviously many years in between the ages that she was depicted, however, even in the elder Dynamis bust you can see her lazy eye and abnormally large eyes which she was reported to have had, possibly as a consequence of inbreeding.
Fig. 1.3. (L) Julia Mamaea, Queen of Pontus (wife of Polemon II), (R) Cleopatra VII. Polemon Pythodoros, King of Pontus was Julius Caesar/Asander’s regional alias (Asander and Polemon were both married to Dynamis), and if he also played the religious role of Gaius Julius Sohaemus of Emesa, Priest-King of Emesa, and Cleopatra played the regional role of Pythodorida Philometor, then Julia Avita Mamaea of Emessa would have been their daughter. Do you see a resemblance? She would have been married to her half-brother (Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s son) Polemon II, King of Pontus aka Ptolemy Philadelphus aka Sampsiceramus I? The Bosphorus Kingdom, also known as the Kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosphorus, was located next to the Pontus Kingdom
Dynamis’s grandfather was Mithridates VI Eupator who carried the title ‘King of Kings’. Her uncle was Mithridates ‘Chrestus’5.
Amyntas Nikator aka Amyntas of Galatia aka Jesus ben Fabus aka Isa Amen (Jesus Amen of Rev. iii. 14) 6 was married to Stratonice who was the sister of Asander. He was also a cousin of Dynamis.
Cleopatra aka Dynamis’s son with Julius Caesar aka Asander = Tiberius Julius Aspurgus Philoromaios, who was born about the same time as Caesarion and Emperor Tiberius Julius Caesar (Mark Antony = Tiberius Claudius Nero, emperor Tiberius’s father, so he likely adopted Julius Caesar/Asander’s child and he took his name and titles).
Cleopatra aka Dynamis’s son with Mark Antony 7(aka King Herod aka Tiberius Claudius Nero aka Phraates IV of Parthia) = Alexander Helios aka Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Juba II who was married to his twin sister Cleopatra Selene II aka Queen Thea Muse Ourania. Juba II of Mauritania’s full name was Gaius Iulius Iuba, prenomen and nomen after his adopted father Gaius Iulius Caesar, and ‘Iuba’ is most likely a diminutive of ‘Iehuva’. He was the claimed royal heir of the Massylii tribe, which is the ‘Messiah’ lineage from David’s firstborn son with Saul’s daughter Michal (‘Helio’ and Celtic ‘Hesus’ both derive from the Proto-Indo-European root ‘sawel-‘, meaning ‘sun’, and ‘Selene’ translates to ‘moon’ in Greek).
Cleopatra aka Dynamis’s son with Mark Antony (aka King Herod aka Tiberius Claudius Nero aka Phraates IV of Parthia) = Ptolemy Philadelphus who was Sampsiceramus I?
Cleopatra aka Dynamis’s grandson with Mark Antony (aka King Herod aka Tiberius Claudius Nero aka Phraates IV of Parthia) = Alexander (grandson of King Herod) aka Gaius Julius Alexander, Herodian Prince of Judaea aka Alexander Lysimachus aka Alexander the Alabarch aka Tiberius Julius Alexander Major aka (King/Tetrarch) Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus aka Ptolemy of Mauretania (aka ‘Joseph Panthera’, the name for jesus’s father in the Talmud; Panthera is a corruption of Cantheras, or Cleopatros) aka Phraates V (the ‘King of Kings’) aka Monobazus I King of Adiabene, who was married to his sister Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) of Mauretania aka Cleopatra IX aka Pythodorida Philometor aka Helene aka Drusilla of Mauretania aka Julia Ourania of Parthia aka ‘Philo of Alexandria’.
Alexander (grandson of King Herod) and his sister wife Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) of Mauretania had two sons: Tiberius Julius Alexander aka Arrius Calpernius Piso aka Arrius Varus aka Tiberius Julius Cotys aka Emperor Nerva, and Marcus Julius Alexander aka Yeshua Cleopatros (Cantheras/Panthera) ben Josephus bar Menneus aka Ma’nu of Adiabene/Edessa aka Ptolemy aka Yakov Zu Tolomoy aka Izates aka Jesus Emmanuel aka Monobazus of Adiabene 8
Fig. 1.4. (L) and (R) show King Izates Monobazus of Edessa (known in Greek as the ‘Kingdom of Ourania’ or in English as the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’) wearing a crown of thorns. Izates or Izas is his title which is an ancient Greek translation of the Avestan word Yazatas (Persian: izad), meaning lord. He is one of the Jesus avatars, Isa in the Quran, and Sultan Ezid in the Yazadi (‘Iza’di) religion. He was the uncle of Tiberius Julius Sauromates II, King of Bosphorus. The middle image source: The Alexander Mosaic, Huqoq, Israel.
Fig. 1.5. Tiberius Julius Sauromates II, King of Bosphorus, who was the son of Tiberius Julius Cotys (aka Tiberius Julius Alexander aka Arrius Calpernius Piso aka Arrius Varus aka Emperor Nerva), great-grandson of Dynamis aka Cleopatra and Mark Antony. Does he look familiar? Sauromates is a Greek rendering of “Sarmatian”, refering to the Scythian tribe who came from the Pontic steppe.
One name that shows up in the family trees of all the people listed above is Simon Boethus who I identify as (king/Tetrarch) Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus aka Simon Magus. The name Boethus comes from Sabazios which is a translation of Zeus (Jupiter to the Romans) in the dialect and tradition of Phrygians and Thracians of Anatolia. Ma’nu is likely a diminutive of Menneus (‘son of man’) and then Manu-Sabazios becomes Monobazus which becomes ‘Bazus’ or ‘Bar Izates’ shortened to ‘baYZTus’ (or bar YZT) through frequent oral repetition which becomes ‘bOETHus’. He was likely also Simon the Essene the founder of the Essene sect and Simon Peter in the bible (the term ‘Peter’ is derived from the Latin ‘Pater’ meaning ‘father’, denoting the Essene High Priest. The Essenes called themselves ‘the Sons of Zadok’ and Simon was the heir of the Zadokite High Priest dynasty). His daughter Mariamne Boethus was the fifth wife of King Herod. He was the uncle of Jesus ben Fabus, great-great-great-grandfather of Jesus ben Gamla/Gamaliel aka King Izas Monobazus (the Talmud (Bereshit Rabbah 46:10) calls Izates and Monobazus the “Sons of Ptolemy”), and I identify Juba II as Alexander (son of King Herod) which makes him the grandson of Simon Boethus, and he was the great-great-grandfather of Vespasian.
Sabazius is related to the Saba/Sheba root meaning seven, rest, sated etc. and Jupiter-Sabazius is a Semitic or Semitized form of Jupiter, i.e. Turkish Judaism (the day of Sabbath was a festival of Sabazius (Plutarch (Symp. iv. 6)). Also, I(J)upiter was also called Jove or Iove to the Romans. The Latin pronunciation of Iove would have been Yoh-Way, i.e Yahweh/Yhwh, so Jove (Roman Zeus) Sabazios (Thracian Zeus) became conflated with Yahweh Saboath the god of the hebrew bible. Also, from Sabazios you get Zebedaios, sons of Zebedee.
Ptolemy Menneus/Simon Boethus’s son was named Philippion who I believe is a good candidate for Philip II Philoromaios and also Tiridates II of Parthia or Arsaces Philoromaios. Arsaces was the brother of Dynamis 9. So, Simon Boethus/Magus/Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus, et.al., were the aliases of Ptolemy X Alexander I, king of Egypt, and Marriamme Boethus was another of Cleopatra’s regional aliases? If you identify King Herod as Mark Antony aka Tiberius Claudius Nero aka Phraates IV of Parthia’s regional alias then the picture becomes clearer.
The connection between Simon Boethus/Magus/Ptolemy X Alexander I/Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus and Julius Caesar is obviously through his daughter Cleopatra whom Julius Caesar/Asander married. Using Josephus as a source, Antipater the Idumean’s son King Herod was married to Simon Boethus’s daughter Mariamme and Antipater the Idumean saved Julius Caesars life during the Battle of the Nile (47 BC). As a reward, Josephus claims that Julius Caesar adopted King Herod’s sons (Simon Boethus’s grandsons) Aristobulus IV (Vespasian’s grandfather 10, Alexander (son of king Herod) aka Alexandros III aka Juba II, Herod Antipas the Tetrarch, Archelaus, and Philip and raised them in Rome, in the household of Gaius Asinius Pollio which was the same household that Caesar Augustus was raised in (Josephus, ‘Antiquities of the Jews’, Book 15, Chapter 2. Josephus, ‘Antiquities of the Jews’, Book 17). This is untrue and those kids were his biological sons. It is also untrue that Alexander, son of King Herod, was killed by his father Herod, Josephus even has a story about a ‘spurious Alexander’ that showed up in Rome claiming to be the son of Herod who faked his death 11, so he was ‘resurrected’ as Juba II, king of Numidia and Mauretania.
The Persians effectively used a slave-morality religion as part of their colonial program (Zoroastrianism and Buddhism), and then the Macedonians and Romans followed this formula. Religious syncreticism is how they maintained their empire. The Greeks used a system called ‘Interpretatio Graeca’ 12 to equate their gods with those of other cultures, and the Romans adopted this system as well (‘interpretatio romana’). Christianity was created by scribes at the ‘Alexandrian School’ in Egypt which was a religion making factory and was overseen by ‘Philo of Alexandria’ (Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) of Mauretania aka Cleopatra IX aka Pythodorida Philometor aka Helene aka Drusilla of Mauretania aka Julia Ourania of Parthia) as a syncretic slave morality.
It is likely that each Roman emperor after Julius Caesar took on the ‘I-Zeus’ (Iesus) role as an avatar, which is why I identify many prominent Romans as having contributed to the bible (e.g. Titus Flavian Clemens aka ‘Clement of Rome’).
Then, after the Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–136 CE), this imperial slave-morality cult was subverted by a confederation of rabbi’s who were headed by a rabbi named Akiva.
During the Bar Kokhba revolt a Rabbi in jerusalem named Akiva ben Joseph (the name Akiva is related to Jacob/James) who lead the Talmudic Pharisees and is responsible for large parts of the Talmud, Sefer Yetzirah (book of creation), the Mishna and the Midrash Halakha, and modern judaism, and who was a student of Gamaliel (Paul the Apostle claimed that he was brought up in Jerusalem “at the feet of Gamaliel” (Acts 22:3)), and who was the one that came up with the idea that “Rome was Edom”, preached that Simon bar Kokhba (‘bar Kozeva’ = ‘son of the star’ in ancient Hebrew) was the ‘messiah’ during the Bar Kokhba revolt.
Two years before the Bar Kokhba revolt emperor Hadrian created a religion to deify his underage gay lover as the son of god (Osiris-Antinous) called ‘The Cult of Antinous’ 13. Historian Cassius Dio claims that Antinous was offered as a human sacrifice to Hadrian 14 and later was ‘resurrected’. The Cult of Antinous actually rivaled christianity as the biggest cult in the empire for a couple of centuries. One of the scribes for this cult was Aquila of Sinope aka Onkelos who was a kinsman of the Roman emperor Hadrian. The midrash (Tanhuma. 41a, Mishpatim 3) claims that Onkelos was a nephew of Hadrian and other jewish sources list him as a nephew of emperor Titus (Tractate Gittin (56b)). Emperor Hadrian also employed Aquilla of Sinope to rebuild Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina after the Bar Kokhba revolt (the city was named after Hadrian’s family name (Aelia) and the Roman god Jupiter (Capitolina)). Aquila of Sinope aka Onkelos was a student of none other than rabbi Akiva. In Acts 18:2-3 and Romans 16:3 NASB, it is claimed that Aquila of Sinope and his wife Prisca or Priscilla lived with Paul the Apostle and Paul called them “my fellow workers in Christ Jesus” 15.
Rabbi Akiva’s other students included Markianos of Alexandria aka Marcion of Sinope and Shimon bar Yochai (Yohai is a nickname for yochai. The name Yochai means ‘YHWAH is gracius’ from the Hebrew word Yochanan sometimes transcribed as Johanan. Was he also Johanan the Alexandrian? This would place him in Alexandria at the same time as Markianos of Alexandria) who made the Zohar for Kabbalah and was the author of ’The Secrets of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai’ which was the manuscript for Islam. Allah and Muhammad the reheaded warlord were parodies of Atillia the Hun and his uncle Ruglia waging war against Rome because they wanted to get the Arabs to wage war against Eastern Rome 16. Another student of rabbi Akiva was Aristo of Pella, who is a good candidate for being Luke the Evangelist (‘Aristo’, or ‘Ariston’ is a name that is related to ‘Proteus’ The former means ‘first-rank, noble’ the second derives from ‘first’. So, was he also Peregrinus Proteus? Also, Mark or Mahalia, sixteenth bishop of Jerusalem was the secretary of Aristo and Marcion is known to have had a disciple named Lucanus as documented by Tertullian, so Mark, or Mahalia, first Gentile bishop of Jerusalem was also Markianos of Alexandria aka Marcion of Sinope?). One other student of rabbi Akiva was Ketia bar Shalom which was the jewish name of Titus Flavian Clemens, who was the nephew of emperor Domitian 17. Titus Flavian Clemens is a likely candidate for being ‘Clement of Rome’. Rabbi Akiva’s other student was Rabbi Meir who the Talmud (Gittin 56a) claims was a grandson of emperor Nero.
‘The Secret Gospel of Mark’ 18 which speaks about Jesus’s homosexuality and the Cult of Antinous came out about the same time. It is possible that the Gospel of Mark was written by Markianos of Alexandria aka Marcion of Sinope for the Cult of Antinous and was grafted on to the Roman imperial cult, or Markianos of Alexandria aka Marcion of Sinope and other scribes at the Alexandrian School in Egypt used the imperial cult as the foundation for the Cult of Antinous and this became christianity. It is possible that this group was trying to subvert the imperial cult multiple times before but the Bar Kokhba revolt was the sign that ideological subversion was the only way to overthrow the Roman empire. Getting people to abandon their religons for a new one is an almost impossible task, so instead, through religious syncrenism and intertextuality, creating a new sect of an established religion makes it easier for a population to adapt. So, they just took one of the imperial cults of the time and infused a slave morality into it.
This conspiracy was so elaborate that this group even rewrote history to make it fit with their new religion. Josephus was an alias for Hegesippus 19 (the name Hegesippus is most likely a Latin to Greek corruption of ‘Iosippus’, the Latinized spelling of Josephus) who was another person associated with the ‘Alexandrian School’ in Egypt and who was possibly a student of rabbi Akiva. The book ‘The Antiquities of the Jews’ was a pseudo-epigraphical work (of propaganda) that was backdated to make christianity look legitimate in the same way that the ‘Letter of Aristeas’ was backdated to exaggerate the age of the Septuagint. It was historical fiction. I would even hazard a guess that this group was responsible for burining down the Library of Alexandria which resulted in the loss of all recorded history up until that point so that they could cover-up the tracks of their psyop religion which was primarily engineered at the Alexandrian School.
Endnotes (Chapter 1)
(a) The symbol of the cross, Celtic cross/high cross/sun cross/solar
wheel, et.al., which predate christianity by thousands of years
(Callanish Stones. Wikipedia,
[link]), was a
prominant symbol in ancient Europe. The circle is a sunwheel that
together with the cross served as a sundial that had markings to
track the time, date, and lunar and agricultural cycles. Also, in
portable form it was a sundial clock and compass. Although not a
religious symbol, as they were astronomical tools, every city in
ancient Europe would have had a large cross raised at its center in
the same way that every city today has a clock tower at it’s center.
So you can see how christianity spread throughout Europe, through
subversion. Most Europeans must have thought that christianity was
simply the same relgion that they were already worshiping, and
because of widespread illiteracy at the time, they had no idea what
garbage was inside the bible.
(b) The Letter to Flora and the Tripartite Tractate write about a
Gnostic teacher called “Ptolemy” who I identify as Ptolemy Menneus
aka Simon Boethus aka Simon Magus.
(c) A few revisionist authors such as Anatoly Fomenko and Gunnar Heinsohn make the claim that the Western Roman Empire is a duplicate of the Eastern Roman Empire not the other way around and that much of the history of the Western Roman Empire was conjured up by the Jesuits and Joseph Justus Scalinger. It is true that the area of modern-day Istanbul was once called ‘Basileía tôn Rhômaíôn’ (‘Kingdom of the Romans’) and the people of that region called themsevles Rhōmaîoi (Romans). Fomenko also makes the claim that the original Biblical Jerusalem (the city of Yoros) is situated on the eastern shore of Bosphorus. My own research on the origins of Christianity take me to the Bosphorus as well (Julius Caesar = Asander, King of Bosphorus, and Cleopatra = Dynamis). So, maybe there is an element of truth in his theories?. \
(d) Vespassian was also a great-grandson of Cleopatra and Mark Antony
(King Herod) (The Royal Ancestry of Emperor Vespasian (The Royal
Ancestry of Emperor Vespasian. Henry Davis,
To understand Christianity it is necessary to explain its precursors and the context in which they were created.
Modern day jews evolved from the mixture of Celtic Galatians from Anatolia 20, Neolthic proto-Sicilians who originated in Anatolia 21, native Canaanites (who were literal human-neanderthal hybrids) 22, and proto-Arab-Natufian hybrids.
The original redhead clan of Druids that ended up becoming Israelites were Scythians who migrated southwards during the early Aryan invasion of 4000 BC. Scythian –> Saka –> Isaac. This migration coincides with the development of early bronze age civilization. They went to Anatolia first (Galatia) 23, then Babylon, then Canaan (‘Gaulinitis’ = Golan Heights). In Canaan, the natives then came under the suzerainty of these Celts and their entire identity, language, and religion derives from this. The evidence for this is the paternal Celtic R1b haptype that 30% of ashkenazi jews have, the fact that the Celtic languages are surprisingly Semitic with a verb-subject-object word order and a shocking amount of vocabulary overlap, and the name of Irish deities, Balor and his holiday Beltaine are cognate to Bal and Elatha the Irish Uranus is cognate to Hebrew El. There was an ancient Celtic conquerer named ‘Ram the Druid’ and Abraham = Ab Ram, or ‘Born of Ram’, he was also Ra in Egyptian mythology, the basis of the name ‘Ram’esses in Egypt, Ram the Aries, Rama in the Vedas, Brahmin caste in India refers to him, and Lama in Tibet. King David (DWD) = King Druid. The name Israel itself is named after Osiris (Aesir), the southeasternmost grand Druid (in Phoenician, the name ‘Osiris’ is written as ‘Usr’ or ‘Ysr’, which becomes the Hebrew ‘Yisrael’. Osiris is depicted as having green skin, ie. he is the ‘Druid green man’). As for the name ‘jew’, the descriptive name Judaism was never used by the Hebrews or Israelites; it appears only with Christianity. It comes from Yahud or Auda which comes from Iodh or Ioux. Iodh and Ioux are associated with the yew tree in Druidism and is sometimes linked to the concept of rebirth and regeneration. There was also an ancient Celtic tribe known as the Iudii or Iudaei, who inhabited the region of Gaul (modern-day France) and Britain. The ancient Celtic prefixes ‘Rab’ or ‘Rhab’ mean ‘wise one’ or ‘seer’, and a Druid equates to a Rabbi.
‘Ashkenazi’, or ‘Ashkuza’, was the name given to the Scythians by the ancient Akkadians 24. The Assyrians called the Scythians “Asguzaya” and the ancient Persians called the Scythians ‘Saka’. In Biblical Hebrew, the Ashkuz (Ashkenaz) are considered to be a direct offshoot from the Gimirri (known as the Cimmerians to the ancient Greeks).
All jewish history was made up. Their religion is Celtic Druidism that was Hellenized at the Library of Alexandria and then combined with the Divine Julius cult. So, ancient judaism (before Rabbi Akiva) was as syncretic attempt by the Alexandrians and then Romans to pacify the jews (who were then Celts) 25.
It was in Alexandria at the Library of Alexandria where the Pentateuch and Septuagint were written. See: Chapter 7. The Alexandrian School. Sometime after 283-246 BCE (Ptolemy I Soter’s reign) their religion (Druidism) was Hellenized. The myth of the jewish people and the Laws of Moses were based on Plato’s hypothetical colony of Magnesia from his thesis called The Laws (347 BC) in which the proposed charter for the Cretan colony of Magnesia was modeled in large part on Athenian legal and constitutional traditions. Ancestor received law from a deity, hereditary priesthood rather than king, as well as the division into 12 tribes were all part of the formula. Plato’s Timaeus (360 BC) is where the story of Abraham comes from. Plato’s Timaeus is also the source for Genesis 1-11. Homer’s Odysseey was the source of Genesis 24, 42-46 26. The biblical concept of hell was stolen from Plato’s Replublic (‘Myth of Er’), and the spiritual plane of Heaven is ripped off from Plato’s ‘World of Forms’. Exodus is just a semitized retcon of Jason and the Argonauts, and the Oracles Against the Nations plagiarize the Sibylline Oracles. The fact that their religion was extremely Hellenized in Alexandria shows that either the jews were trying to ingratiate themselves into the Greek speaking world (oecumene), or that they were so problematic of a population that the Greek ‘Ptolemaioi’ were trying to civilize and/or subjugate them with religion (child sacrifice of the firstborn on the 8th day at Gehinnom was replaced with circumcision, etc.).
Ceasar’s gentilice (surname) was Iulius. We are told by Virgil that it goes back to Ceasar’s supposed ancestor Iulus or Iule, after the ancient Celtic tribe known as the Iudii or Iudaei, who inhabited the region of Gaul (modern-day France) and Britain. I(J)upiter was also called Jove or Iove to the Romans. The Latin pronunciation of Iove would have been Yoh-Way, i.e Yahweh/Yhwh, so Yahweh Saboath, the god of the hebrew bible, is I(J)ove (Roman Zeus) Sabazios (Thracian Zeus).
Virgil also tells us (drawing from Cato the Elder, c. 168 BC) that the name Julius is the short name of Jupiter (Jul Pater). And it happens to be an Indo-European root word designating the sunlight or the day sky, identical to the Scandinavian name for the solar god, Yule (Helios for the Greeks, Haul for the Gauls, Hel for the Germans, from which derives the French Noël, Novo Hel). The Proto-Indo-European root for “Julius” (Iulius in Latin) is reconstructed as “yews”, while the Proto-Indo-European root for “Jew” (Iudaeus in Latin) is also reconstructed as “yews”.
Also, Caesar, Kaiser (German for Caesar), Kesar or Kaysar (Persian for Caesar), Kaisar (Ancient Greek for Caesar), Tsar (Russian for Caesar) and Khazar are not just phonetic coincidences. It all ties back to the Divine Julius cult.
‘Gaius’ in the name Gaius Julius Caesar refers to his tribal affiliation in the Gallian (Gauls (Galli = Celt in Latin)) tribe. As explained in Chapter 1, Julius Caesar was a title, so Gaius Julius Caesar could conceivably translate to: Khazarian Jew of the Celtic tribe.
This is why several descendants of Roman aristocrats described themselves as ‘jewish’ despite being ethnically Celtic Gauls or Aryan Sarmatians. For example, Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus/Ptolemy X Alexander I (Simon Boethus) played the role of judaen high priest. Mark Antony played the role of King Herod. Izates of Monobazus (Jesus ben Gamala/Gamaliel aka Jesus ben Sapphias) and Amyntas Nikator aka Amyntas of Galatia (Jesus ben Fabus) played the role of rabbis. Philo of Alexandria was ‘Philo the Jew’, her brother-husband Tiberius Julius Alexander identified as Jewish, etc. “Jewish” at the time meant Celtic Druid of the Iudii or Iudaei tribe.
The area of modern israel was wiped out multiple times. Modern jews are a hodgepodge of ethnicities who survided the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132–136 CE. Also, the religion of Modern judaism is a recent invention. Judaism is not the Torah (Old Testament), and has not been for a long time. The Talmud was completed after the New Testament and this is what modern jews follow. Essentially, jews follow the program that Rabbi Akiva and his students created.\
Hippolytos (or: Hippolytus) was a Christian author who speaks of a legend involving the meeting of Pythagoras and Zoroaster of Persia. Aristoxenos, who was a student of Aristotle, wrote the same thing. Druidism was invented by Pythagoras or his teacher Abaris the Hyperborean 27. Vedism is the eastern branch of Druidism 28.
Did Cyrus the Great aka Koroush Kabir (Koroush = “lord of the sun”, “kabi = great. Cyrus translates to Kurosh in ancient Persian) hire Pythagoras to create an imperial cult? Druidism, Judaism, Vedism, and Zoroastrianism all have similar themes.
Zoroastrianism is clearly a slave morality. All the troubling aspects of christianity originate in Zoroastrianism: monotheistic deity that judges you when you die, eternal hell, universalism, sin/salvation, confession of sins, self-deification to weaponize/empower the lowest castes. Zoroastrianism also has a religious commandment called ‘Xwedodah’ that commands Zoroastrians to marry and procreate with their siblings, with punishment for not doing so!
Zoroastrianism would go on to influence every slave morality religion that came later, including Buddhism and every one that came from the Alexandrian School in Egypt, which was a Hellenic school to pump out even more slave morality fiction to control the masses.
Endnotes (Chapter 3)
(a) In Isaiah 45:1 the jews called Cyrus “The Anointed One” which in Hebrew is “moshiach”, often translated as “messiah”. In Greek “The Anointed One” is Chréstos/Christ or Soter. “This prophet, Cyrus, through whom were to be redeemed His chosen people, whom he would glorify before all the world, was the promised Messiah, ‘the shepherd of Yhwh’ (xliv. 28, xlv. 1).”\
Gautama Buddha was Gaumata Bardya the son of Cyrus the Great who was the one who spread Zoroastrianism. The Persepolis Tablets (PFS 79, PFS 796 and PF 250) which date from the time of Darius the Great are filled with Buddhist iconography and tell a story that Darius the Great came to power by overthrowing the “stargazer-Magus” Gaumata in Babylon 29. Gaumata Bardya was the satrap (governor) of the Persian province of Bactra (modern day Afghanistan).
Buddhism is a philosophy and religion that is focused on escaping suffering. Central to this belief is the Four Noble Truths, which explain the cause of suffering (desire) and the path to ending it (enlightenment through the Eightfold Path). Buddhism is clearly a slave-morality that is designed to turn its followers into pacifists and submissives and obviously benefited Gaumata Bardya and/or the Greco-Bactrians that ruled Bactria.
Symbolism, beliefs, and themes that originate in Zoroastrianism show up in Buddhism. For example, Ahura Mazda has also been called Buddha Mazda, specifically in Afghanistan where Buddhism was a major religion 30. There are also numerous overlapping customs, such as spiritual initiation, vegetarianism, and the use of fire in worship. Both religions also share similar prayer practices and ceremonies, such as the veneration of ancestors and purification rituals.
4.2 The Hellenization of Buddhism
After its inception, Buddhism was further influenced and spread by the Greco-Bactrians. Pyrrho of Elis, who traveled to India with Alexander the Great, created Bactrian Buddhism 31. This form of Buddhism was repackaged by Ashoka the Great (Diodotus I Soter) in India as a slave morality to subjugate the population.
Alexander the Great was an archetype for the Jesus figure. The jews declared him a messiah, or “The Anointed One” (Chréstos/Soter) (Josephus. Antiquities, XI. 8. Talmud, Yoma 67b) because he “liberated” them from the Persians in 330 BC. Paradoxically, the Jews did the same with Cyrus the Great when he in turn “liberated” them from the Babylonians. The Jews also told Alexander the Great that the book of Daniel was a prophecy about him (it wasn’t, they wrote it after they met him). The Book of Daniel “prophesied” of Alexander the Great of Greece conquering the whole world even Israel. He was called the Ram of God by Prophet Daniel and in Daniel 8:5-7 a male goat with a large horn between his eyes suddenly arises from the west and smashes both horns of the ram. The angel Gabriel tells Daniel this goat represents the kingdom of Greece and its large horn is its first king,
YHWH = Jehova = Jove (Yoweh is similar to Latin Iove) = Jupiter = Ye-Zeus (YHWH + Zeus). Alexander claimed to be the son of Zeus (Zeus-Amun, Zeus-Ahura Mazda, Zeus-Yahweh, etc.).
Fig. 1.6. Alexander the Great as Zeus Ammon (or Jupiter Ammon), the ram god. The Greeks had identified the Egyptian god Ammon with Zeus, the Romans identified Ammon with Jupiter.
Other similarities: according to the first-century A.D. historian Plutarch, Alexander’s mother Olympias told her son that he had been conceived when a thunderbolt – interpreted as Zeus – entered her womb, so he was divinely birthed. He died at 33. ‘The Son of the Man’ is a Koine->Aramaic->Koine mistranslation of Alexander and he was the “King of Kings” 32.
Endnotes (Chapter 5)
(a) Alexander indirectly became the Jesus prototype. Julius Caesar
called himself the Roman Alexander and stole a lot of Alexander’s
mythology for his religion called the Divine Julius Cult which was
plagiarized to make Christianity more appealing to the Romans. See:
Chapter 9. Rome.
(b) A non-mainstream version of history, but one that is recorded in
Persian and Islamic sources 33, is that Alexander the Great was a
Persian prince (Bupares) who was the son of Kai Bahman (Artaxerxes
II Memnon), half brother of “Dara” (Darius III), and that Macedon
was a province of Persia that his father was governor of.
Alexander’s father Philip of Macedon was Artaxerxes II Memnon’s
regional alias. The book ‘The Life of Alexander of Macedon’ 34
also claims that he didn’t die in Babylon in 232 BC at the age of 33
(same as Jesus) but was only forced from power and he had a
posthumous birth/’resurrection’. He resurrected in India with the
regional alias of Chandragupta (Alexander is Iksander in Persian and
“Alakshandra” in Sanskrit and Gupta means ‘guardian’ or ‘protector’
in Sanskrit, the exact meaning of Alexander). Evidence of this is
that the Sanskrit language might be a dialect of Avestan, or a
Hellenized variant of Avestan, and the similarities of customs and
religions 35. Also, there is strong evidence that Alexander’s
successor to Bactria, Diodotus I Soter, ruled India with the
regional identity of Ashoka the Great 36. See: Alexander Romance
37, The life of Alexander of Macedon 38, and Alexander the
Great: Beyond the Divide by Charles N. Pope 39.
(c) Alexander is also identified as the Islamic prophet Dhu al-Qurnayn
(He of Two Horns). His name comes from coins depicting him as Zeus
Ammon, a two-horned pagan god (see: Fig 1.6.).
The earliest mention of the jews being in India is in the Indian religions. They were the Asuras 40 who were described as power seeking demons 41. They probably moved east after the Assyrian expulsion in 733/2 BCE. Then, several centuries later in the 3rd century BC, Aristotle, quoting his pupil Clearchus who traveled to India, and recorded in Josephus’s Contra Apion, wrote that there were jewish “priests” and “philosophers” in India in the 3rd century BC: “Jews are derived from the Indian philosophers; they are named by the Indians Calami, and by the Syrians Judaei, and took their name from the country they inhabit, which is called Judea.”. Megasthenes (350 BC - 290 BC) recorded the same thing: “the Jews were an Indian tribe or sect called Kalani”.
The Indus Valley civilization was founded by Neolithic (Med) people from Iran (Harappan civilization). They mixed with R1a haplotyped Aryan invaders from the Pontic Caspian Steppes 42 who brought the Sanskrit language and the ancient Vedas. Was it through the Scythian connection that the jews moved into India? Or Cyrus the Great or his son Gaumata? Or Alexander the Great? After Alexander, the jews had a Judean based Qahal that stretched into Egypt and throughout the Middle East. Did it stretch into India as well?
The Aryan invasion around 1500 BCE introduced new cultural and religious ideas into the Indian subcontinent, leading to a blending of indigenous beliefs with those of the incoming Aryans. This period saw the foundation of Vedic texts, which were heavily influenced by the existing cultural practices, including those brought by Jewish settlers.
The interactions between these groups led to a rich tapestry of beliefs, with the Vedic tradition incorporating elements of Jewish thought, particularly regarding morality and the nature of the divine. The emergence of Hinduism was influenced by these syncretic processes, which created a complex religious landscape characterized by myriad deities and philosophical schools.
Endnotes (Chapter 6)
(a) A few authors have claimed that the Dravidians were Ethiopians that
the jews imported to India via South India and Sri Lanka to work as
slaves in the spice trade and in the marble mines (also to create
tribal conflict with the Aryans). Importing them in large numbers
from the south meant that they went undetected by the Aryans in the
north. From Ethiopia it is a straight line route to Sri Lanka via
boat. Also, during this slave trade the jews created a settlement in
Ethiopia for their slave trade business, hence Ethiopian Jews being
a thing, and Cochin Jews existing on the south west section of
India. “Habshi” is what Northern Indians called Southern Indians
and Habesha comes from “Abyssinia” which refers to Ethiopia. These
Ethiopian slaves then mixed with indigenous Australoid/Denisovans
who were similar to Australian Aborigines.
(b) See:
which explains how Babylonian jews were involved in the slave trade
since the 6th century BC, even reaching India. An interesting fact
is that the Radhanite, who owned the Silk Road trade, were their
descendants. These Radhanite/Babylonian jewish slave traders would
eventually go on to dominate the white slave trade of Eastern Europe
and they were the ones who founded Khazaria in Eastern Europe as
their base of operations (see: ‘A Theory of Khazars and Ashkenazi
Jews’ by Pierre Simon. Occidental Observer. February 8, 2024). Their
descendants went on to start/control the transatlantic slave
(c) Calami is a village located in the Kannur district of Kerala,
southwest India. Kochi, also known as Cochin, is a major port city
in the state of Kerala. Cochin is obviously phonetically related to
the name Cohen (Kohanim/of the priestly Zadokite line).
(d) “it may be said that the region from Tigris-Euphrates to the Indus
and its east was inhabited by the Akkadian speaking Semites who
later called themselves as Asshuraiu. Their Indian name as known
from Rgveda is *‘Asura’“ – ‘The Languages of Harappans*’ by
Maliti J. Shendge. In Aramaic the word Ashura means “tenth”
referring to the tenth day of the month/Yom Kippur, the Day of
Alexander the Great’s successors (“Diadochi”) were Seleucus I Nicator who controlled a large chunk of the eastern territories, including Mesopotamia and Persia, Diodotus I Soter who controlled Bactria (possibly also India under the alias Ashoka the Great), and Ptolemy I Soter who controlled Egypt. Following in the tradition of Alexander the Great (Ptolemaic Cult of Alexander 43), the Seleucids (Mithraism which was Zoroastrianism + slave morality), and the Bactrians (Buddhism), Ptolemy I Soter created his own slave morality religion called the Serapis Christus cult 44 which was meant to bridge the gap between the Greek and Egyptian cultures and subjugate the foreign Egyptian people to his rule. This new god, Serapis, combined aspects of Egyptian deities like Osiris and Apis (Serapis = Osiris + Apis = Osir-Apis = Ser-Apis) with Greek gods like Zeus, and had an Egyptian body and Greek head.
According to the Letter of Aristeas 45 Ptolemy I Soter summoned 72 Babylonian Jewish high priests (kohanim) to Alexandria to translate the Hebrew Bible. It was in Alexandria were these jewish priests wrote the Pentateuch and Septuagint [^404]. It is possible to identify who some of these jewish high priests were, and they were the descendants of the Zadokite jewish high priests who created Zoroastrianism. Moreover, their descendants were the ones who created Christianity.
In the book The Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus, Book XX, Chapter 10 46 he writes that Onias I was the leader of the Babylonian jews who went to Egypt. Onias I was the heir of the Zadokite (High Priest) dynasty that traces back to Joshua the High Priest. Baruch ben Neriah was the scribe for Joshua and in the Old Latin Version of the Apocryphal Book of Baruch (i. 1) it says that Baruch was of the tribe of Simeon (same as Onias I). These Babylonian jews settled in an area of Egypt that they called the ‘Land of Onias’ 47 where they created a sacrifice cult at the ‘Temple of Onias’ 46. Josephus also writes that Onias I was a friend of Alexander the Great (Antiquities, Book. 8, section 7) and later Ptolemaic kings (Antiquities, Book. 13, section 69) and it was through this connection that this family not only were able to acquire land and protection but eventually became aristocrats who married into the Ptolemaic dynasty (Onias I was also the jewish high priest who tried to convince the Spartan king Areus I that the Spartans were jews and promoted an Abrahamic-Herculean syncretic religion to them 48).
The son of Onias I, Simeon the Righteous (aka Simeon the Just aka Shimon HaTzaddik – HaTzaddik (“the righteous one”) obviously comes from Zadok (“righteous”)), was the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) of Israel and one of the last remnants of the Men of the Great Assembly 49. The Talmud (Yoma 69a) claims that Alexander the Great “prostrated himself at the feet of Simeon the Righteous”. Then, to flatter Alexander, Simon the Righteous named every son of jewish priests (kohanim) born that year Alexander 50. Also, like Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great was declared a messiah, or “The Anointed One” (Chréstos/Soter) 51 because he “liberated” the jews from the Persians.
The son of Simeon the Righteous was Onias III, who was also an “Anointed One” as prince according to Daniel Ch 9:25. Onias III was probably also the Qumran Teacher of Righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The descendant and heir of Onias III, and the heir to the Zadok high priest line, was Simon Boethus (great-great-great grandson of Onias III? 52) aka Simon Magus 53 aka Ptolemy Bar Mennius (Menelaus was the name of the mythical founder of Sparta and this family adopted his name i, and “Ptolemy” signifies that this family had intermarried with the Ptolemaic royal family by this point) who was the creator of Gnosticism.
After the creation of the Serapis cult, the Alexandrian School then made an industry out of taking existing religions and then adding to them a psy-op slave-morality foundation. Manichaeanism, Valentinianism, Buddhism 54 Hermeticism (Philo of Alexandria’s syncretic philosophy to Hellenize the Canaanite religion of the Levant), and christianity (slave morality targeted to Rome) all came from this school. The Sibylline Oracles were a style guide for their students 55.
Alexander the Great’s Egyptian heir Ptolemy I Soter apparently shared Alexander’s esteem for the jews. According to Josephus (Antiquities, Book. 12, chapters. 1, 2, pp. 308-309), and The Letter of Aristeas, 12,19, it is recorded that after Ptolemy I Soter took Judea he brought 120,000 Jewish captives to Egypt from the areas of Judea, Jerusalem, Samaria, and Mount Gerizim. “Soter” in ancient Greek is similar to Christios, i.e. ”anointed one”. Was he proclaimed a Christ and Messiah by the jews like Cyrus and Alexander? Ptolemy I Soter’s descendants also obviously had a positive view of the jews because by Roman times the Jews constituted 40% of the population of Alexandria 56, and members of this priestly jewish family carried Ptolemaic royal names.
Endnotes (Chapter 7)
(a) “Alexander had ‘planted’ a colony of Jews who had increased in
number until at the beginning of the Christian era they occupied
two-fifths of the city and held some of the highest offices.” …
“With its character largely determined by Jewish elements” –
Encyclopedia Britannica article on the Alexandrian School (1911)
(b) Manetho in his book ‘Aegyptiaca’ wrote that the Hyksos or Habiru
were lead by a priest named Osarseph and that Osarseph = Moses.
Interestingly, Osarseph also = Ahmose Sipair or Serapis. The “Si”
symbol in Si-pair, ie. “son of”, is really “Ser”. Also, pharaoh
Thutmose who expelled jews to Jerusalem has been proposed as
“Moses”. Was the Serapis Cult invented by the same family of jewish
high priests who invented Zoroastrianism as a way of connecting the
Egyptian people to them and flattering Thutmose III and then was
later retconned for Ptolemy Soter?
Platonism was the school of thought that started with Plato’s teachings and mixed Aristotle, Socrates, and Pythagoras into it. Neo-Platonism was popular with the Roman elite. This is why Jews (especially in Alexandria Egypt) wanted to infiltrate and subvert it with Gnosticism.
Simon Boethius, a Jewish high priest and heir of the Zadokite dynasty and a descendant of Joshua the High Priest, Baruch ben Neriah, and Onais I, was Simon Magus who was the creator of Gnosticism (“gnosis”, or hidden knowledge) 57. The name Magus comes from Magi (“Simon the Magi”), which was the name of the proto-Zoroastrian priests who worshiped the evil brother Angra Mainyu more than the good brother Ahura-Mazda, which comes from the twin-brothers Vedic gods Varuna-Mitra. The theological bridge between Zoroastrianism and Gnosticism was likely Manichaeanism or Mandaeism in which Simon was the prophet Mani in both religions. Like Zoroastrianism and Gnosticism, Manichaeanism and Mandaeism feature a dualistic worldview, but Manichaeism emphasizes escaping the material world through knowledge (“gnosis”) and good works, and Mandaeans believe in one God of Light and revere John the Baptist. Zurvanism, which was a determinist sect of Zoroastrianism, could be another link between Zoroastrianism and Gnosticism. Unlike Zoroastrianism, Zurvanism sees Zurvan, the god of infinite time, as the ultimate source giving birth to twins Ahura-Mazda (good) and Angra Mainyu (evil), just like the Demiurge in Gnosticism. This challenged Zoroastrianism’s free will concept, suggesting fate was predetermined. Fundamental to both Zurvanism and Gnosticism is a dualistic view of the world, with a good and evil force in constant conflict.
The central belief in Gnosticism is that god and life are evil and that gnostic followers should not reproduce. It is an antinatalist suicide cult to get the Greeks and Romans to reduce their populations while raising them in a slave morality at the same time.
Simon was also Ptolemy Menneus 58 and he was married to the Hasmonean Princess Elizabeth of Jerusalem, Queen Alexandra II 59 and his daughter was Mariamne Boethus aka Alexandra Salome aka Mary Salome aka Helena Of Adiabene 60 (Helene was philologically interchangeable with Selene and from there Salome) who was the fifth wife of King Herod. Ptolemy Menneus was also Ma’nu II of Oshroene/Adiabene 61.
Simon had a couple Gnostic sects that worshiped him: the Simonians 62, and a religion called Sophia 63. He was also likely the prophet Mani in Manichaeanism and Mandaeism. The Nassenes 64, who were one of the earliest Gnostic sects, attributed divinity to Simon’s daughter Mariamne Boethus aka Mary Magdalene in xtianity 65. Simon’s other daughter Martha = St. Martha of Bethany who was married to Judean high priest Joshua ‘Jesus’ ben Gamla/Gamaliel who was the son of Gamaliel 66 (“Paul the Apostle” claimed that he was brought up in Jerusalem “at the feet of Gamaliel” (Acts 22:3)) who was a grandson of Hillel the Elder 67 which would also connect Simon to the Mishnah and the Talmud. Lazarus of Bethany = Eleazar ben Boethus, Simon’s son, another son was Bartholemew (“Bar Ptolemy”), and Matthias the Apostle = Matthias Boethus, his brother. His great-grandson Saulos Thaddeus Alexander Herod 68 = Paul the Apostle? and his great-great grandchildren Berenice = Saint Veronica (Veronica is the Latin alteration of the Greek name Berenice) and Marcus Julius Agrippa II = Marcus/Mark.
Simon’s line of descent to focus on is through his grandson Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Juba II (“Iuba” is most likely a diminutive of Iehuva, but “Iuba” also translates to “love” in the Berber languages of Mauretania that he was king of exactly like “Philo” translates to “love” in ancient Greek) who was Simon’s grandson through his daughter Mariamne Boethus 69. Alexander (son of King Herod) was married to Cleopatra Selene II (daughter of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII) aka Queen Thea Muse Ourania. Alexander (son of King Herod) and Cleopatra Selene II were both adopted by Julius Caesar and were raised in Rome (Julius Caesar and Augustus adopted heirs of many royal families and got them to intermarry because then every Roman client state would be ruled by a single family and they would then be easier to control through proxy)).
Fig 1.7. (L) Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Juba II. (R) Cleopatra Selene II aka Queen Thea Muse Ourania
Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Juba II and Cleopatra Selene II had two prominent children who were married to each other:
Fig. 1.8. (L) Alexander (grandson of King Herod) aka Gaius Julius Alexander, Herodian Prince of Judaea aka Alexander the Alabarch aka (King/Tetrarch) Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus aka Ptolemy of Mauretania aka “Jesus” in the bible. (R) Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) of Mauretania aka Cleopatra IX aka Pythodorida Philometor aka Helene aka Drusilla of Mauretania aka Julia Ourania of Parthia aka “Philo of Alexandria”.
Endnotes (Chapter 8)
(a) Theory: Alexander (grandson of King Herod) aka Gaius Julius Alexander, Herodian Prince of Judaea aka Alexander Lysimachus aka Alexander the Alabarch aka Tiberius Julius Alexander Major aka (King/Tetrarch) Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus aka Ptolemy of Mauretania was also the Roman general ‘Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo’. Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo conquered Armenia alongside Tiberius Julius Alexander (his son Tiberius Julius Alexander aka Arrius Calpernius Piso aka Arrius Varus aka Tiberius Julius Cotys aka Emperor Nerva), after which, Tigranes VI (Tiberius Julius Alexander) was instilled as king. Compare his bust [link] to the famous ‘Josephus’ (Tiberius Julius Alexander) bust [link]. Notice a resemblance? If this is correct, then he (Alexander) would have been the brother-in-law to Caligula and father-in-law to Domitian. Tiridates of Armenia (who would have been Mithridates Chrestus’ great-great-grandson) was the one who spread the religion Mithraism which was a syncretic a slave-morality religion to subjugate the Parthians. Mithras is inspired from Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Persians/Parthians, but Mithras is the same as Sabazios. It’s a solar son deity, a Jupiter.
Christianity is the combination of several religions and myths that were amalgamated. The Ptolemaic cult of Alexander the Great, Serapis cult, Roman imprial cult, Gnosticism, the Roman myth of Quirinus aka Romulus 77, the Divine Julius cult 78, and the messianic archetypes of Alexander the Great and Scipio Africanus 79 who most ancient Roman leaders, but especially Julius Caesar, modelled themselves after.
Fig. 1.9. Romulus. He was born to a virgin, the son of god, hailed as a King, crucified 80 by a conniving elite and rose from the dead. See: ‘Romulus’ (75AC) by Plutarch.
King Herod was the likely regional alias of Mark Antony (aka Tiberius Claudius Nero aka Phraates IV of Parthia) 81 and his descendants were given an elevated position within Rome. They were raised in the same household as Caesar Augustus 82 and even became emperors.
Herodians in Rome to take note of:
Alexander (grandson of King Herod), who was the richest man in the world at the time, and his sister wife Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) of Mauretania aka Cleopatra IX aka Pythodorida Philometor aka Helene aka Drusilla of Mauretania aka Julia Ourania of Parthia aka “Philo of Alexandria” had two prominent sons:
Fig. 1.10. Erroneously identified ‘Josephus’ bust which I identify as Tiberius Julius Alexander. Compare it to Nerva’s depictions
Emperor Vespasian was another likely grandson of King Herod. He was Herod Pollio aka Herod Agrippa I, son of King Herod’s son Aristobulus IV who was Julius Caesar’s adopted son 87 (ignore the elder busts of him which have idealized Julio-Claudian features and look at his youngest depictions 88. Vespasian was his title, not his name (Vas/Bas was the royal abbreviation for the Greek word Basilius which = King, and Pasius = Peace. ‘Vespasian’ = ‘King Peace’). He was also ‘Flavius Scaevinus’ the conspirator who was involved in Nero’s assassination. ‘Philo of Alexandria’ aka Salome III was also ‘Antonia Caenis’ who was Vespasian’s first cousin and mistress and her son Tiberius Julius Alexander was Vespasian’s son-in-law/adopted son and the Prefect (leader) of the Praetorian Guard which made him arguably the most powerful man in the empire during Vespasian’s reign. Philo of Alexandria aka Salome III was also the first cousin and ex-mother-in-law to King Herod’s granddaughter Berenice aka St. Veronica (Veronica is a transliteration of the Greek name Berenike meaning ‘victory’) who was empress of Rome through her relationship with Vespasian’s son Titus. Berenice’s brother, Marcus Julius Agrippa II, whom she was in an incestuous relationship with 89 before moving on to her cousin, was the governor of all foreign Roman territories except Egypt (which was governed by Tiberius Julius Alexander) during the Flavian period..
Fig. 1.11. Compare Vespasian’s depiction to Herod Agrippa I
Emperor Vitellius was probably an alias for Vespasian’s older brother Titus Flavius Sabinus who was married to Mariamne III aka “Arria the Elder” (“Arria” from her father’s name judean king Aristobulus IV who was the son of King Herod and he was also Julius Caesars adopted son. Aristobulus IV was likely Vespasian and Vitellius’s father, so like his cousin Alexander (grandson of King Herod), he was also married to his sister). He abdicated his position in favor of his younger brother.
So, five emperors in a row were King Herod’s grandsons or great-grandsons: Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, and Nerva.
Fig. 1.12. Note how the Roman emperor phenotype changes dramatically after Otho
Every Roman Emperor from Hadrian (likely an acronym for Herodian 90 onward descends from King Herod mainly through two women: Arria the Younger and Cleopatra of Mauretania or Cleopatra IX (“Philo”), and by my count 37 Roman and Byzantine emperors bore the title “Flavius” and it’s later Greek->Latin transliteration “Phlabios” (“Shabbos”).
Fig. 1.13. (L) Constantius Chlorus. The father of emperor Constantine (R) Emperor Flavius Constantine/Constantinus who carried the Flavian title.
The origins of Christianity become clear when you realize that the Herodians, Alexandrian elites, and the Flavians were the same incestuous 91 family who used over a dozen aliases, agnomens, regional/ethnic names, and different biographies and mythologies for each persona 92.
9.2. Alexandria, Egypt. 1st Century
Emperor Caligula and his Prefect of Roman Egypt, Aulus Avilius Flaccus (the real-life Pontius Pilate) 93, most likely became aware sometime around the Alexandrian Riots in 38CE that jews in Alexandria, in conjunction with the Alexandrian School, were trying to usurp the Romans through a revolution that weaponized the slaves and lowest classes. He then killed Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Juba II and imprisoned his son Alexander (grandson of King Herod). This led to Philo’s embassy to Rome in 40CE 94. This family then used their connections in Rome and money to bribe the Praetorian Guard to kill Caligula as revenge. Both of Alexander’s (grandson of King Herod) sons were directly involved in Caligula’s assassination and Tiberius Julius Alexander immediately became the Prefect (leader) of the Praetorian Guard after Caligula’s death and eventually succeeded Aulus Avilius Flaccus as the Prefect of Roman Egypt. This group achieved their coup when Vespasian became emperor.
A stylometric and textual analysis can trace the earliest 95 Koine Greek written 96 New Testament epistles back to the Alexandrian School in Egypt and Philo of Alexandria, but the actual conspiracy to use a slave morality religion to destroy civilizations traces back to a group of jewish high priests in Babylon and their slave morality system successfully took down the mighty civilizations and races of Babylon, Persia, Egypt, India, Rome, and eventually, all of Europe.
Endnotes (Chapter 9)
(a) Note on Vespasian’s rise to power. Alexander (grandson of King Herod) and his son Tiberius Julius Alexander were personally responsible for the overthrow of Caligula [link], Nero, Galba, Otho, and they paved the way for Vespasian’s accession as the founder of the Flavian dynasty [link]. Alexander’s (grandson of King Herod) sons were directly involved in Caligula’s assassination and Tiberius Julius Alexander immediately became the Prefect (leader) of the Praetorian Guard after Caligula’s death. Before his death Nero is quoted as saying that followers of Chretus started the Great Fire of Rome (64 AD) (Tacitus, Annals XV. 44). The burning of Rome was part of the coup to install the crypto-jewish Flavian family into power. Vespasian, going by the alias ‘Flavius Scaevinus’, was directly involved in this conspiracy to overthrow Nero and burn Rome. Also, in July 69 CE Alexander (grandson of King Herod) and his son Tiberius Julius Alexander declared their allegiance to Vespasian and persuaded their legions to follow him. This was a crucial move that gave Vespasian a strong base of support in the eastern part of the empire. Tiberius Julius Alexander also sent money and troops to Vespasian’s allies in Italy and Africa and helped to secure the loyalty of other provinces and governors. Essentially, they used social engineering, bribery, and a slave morality religion to overthrow Rome, then, like in Egypt under the Hyksos and Babylonia and Persia under Cyrus the Great, they flooded Rome with foreigners to destroy group cohesion and cause tribal conflict with them ruling over the chaos.
Appendix A
How did christianity spread? Vespasian and his sons Titus and Domitian brought 100,000 jewish “slaves” to Rome (Josephus, Jewish War vi, 9) 97. It seems likely that the 100,000 jewish “slaves” joined the jews that were already in Rome and they became the early church missionaries and profited from selling this religion to the slaves and exploited classes.
Appendix B
The jews were expelled at least three times from Rome after being accused of missionary efforts/co-opting Roman religions and making them jewish 98. In 139 BC they were expelled by Gnaeus Cornelius Hispanus for “corrupting the cult of”Jupiter Sabazius”. They were then expelled in 19 AD by Tiberius, and in 41 AD by Claudius. Claudius in his letter of warning to the Jews in Egypt (preserved in a papyrus in the British Museum, P. Lond. 1912) described them as”the fomenters of a universal plague.”.
Further reading
A Forgery of Our Own (1991) by Revilo P. Oliver ttp://www.revilo-oliver.com/rpo/Forgery_of_Our_Own.html [link] (short article where professor Revilo P. Oliver points the finger at Rabbi Akiva as being the center piece of the conspiracy to create a psy-op religion to subjugte the Romans)
The Origins of Christianity (1994) by Revilo P. Oliver https://archive.org/details/the-origins-of-christianity-by-revilo-p-oliver-z-lib.org/ [link]
Reflections on the Christ Myth (1994) by Revilo P. Oliver https://ia600201.us.archive.org/22/items/ReflectionsOnTheChristMyth_518/ReflectionsOnTheChristMyth-Oliver.pdf [link]
Cleopatra to Christ (2010) by Ralph Ellis https://www.amazon.com/Cleopatra-Christ-great-grandson-Cleopatra-Trilogy/dp/1508465886 [link] (reveals that the biblical Jesus was based on King Izates of Adiabene who was directly descended from Cleopatra VII)
Following Philo to Pallas (the Freedman): The Most Powerful Man in First Century Rome, also known as Goddess (the Mother) (2019) by P.J. Gott https://www.amazon.com/Following-Philo-Pallas-Freedman-Powerful-ebook/dp/B07PXKQGYG [link] (reveals that Philo of Alexandria was a pen-name for Cleopatra of Mauretania who was married to her brother Alexander (grandson of King Herod)/Ptolemy of Mauretania, therefore, she was the mother of Tiberius Julius Alexander/Arrius Piso. Also, that she was Claudius and Nero’s secretary *‘Pallas’ and Vespasian’s first cousin and mistress Antonia Caenis*)
Magdalene’s Men. The historic identities of the many men in Mary Magdalene’s life. by P.J Gott https://web.archive.org/web/20240113043329/https://thenazareneway.com/MM%20Chart.htm [link] (reference guide to the many aliases of Alexander (grandson of King Herod) aka Gaius Julius Alexander, Herodian Prince of Judaea aka Alexander Lysimachus aka Alexander the Alabarch aka Ptolemy (Alexander) bar Menneus aka Ptolemy of Mauretania aka Phraates V aka Monobazus I King of Adiabene, as well as his sister wife Cleopatra (Thea Philopator) of Mauretania aka Cleopatra IX aka Pythodorida Philometor aka Helene aka Drusilla of Mauretania aka Julia Ourania of Parthia aka *‘Philo of Alexandria‘, and their two sons Tiberius Julius Alexander and Marcus Julius Alexander. Note: Asander of Bosphorus = Julius Caesar, Dynamis = Cleopatra, Mark Antony = King Herod, so that chart confuses some of their aliases with those of Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s grandchildren, but it was my starting point to understanding the many aliases this family used*)
See: ‘History: Fiction or Science? Russia. Britain. Byzantium. Rome. New Chronology Vol.IV’ (2008) by Anatoly T. Fomenko, ‘Jesus Among the Julio-Claudians’ (2017) by Charles N. Pope ‘[link], and ‘How Fake Is Roman Antiquity?’ https://www.unz.com/article/how-fake-is-roman-antiquity [link] for a few authors who make the claim that the “first Rome” was based out of Anatolia. I subscribe to this theory as well. The Latin language likely derives from the Dacian language which was spoken by the Thracians and Phrygians who hailed from the region of modern Romania. Also, the word Byzantine is a modern invention and the area of modern Byzantine (modern-day Istanbul) was once called ‘Basileía tôn Rhômaíôn’ (‘Kingdom of the Romans’), the people of that region called themsevles Rhōmaîoi (Romans), and they hailed from Romania (meaning Romanus, or Roman). Most of the ‘new History’ that we accept as fact today was created by the Church Fathers, Jesuits (including all non-European history), and Joseph Justus Scaliger. –Sir Isaac Newton, in his book ‘The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended’ (1728), claimed that 711 years were added to our calender, and that history was retrofitted to the bible. Anatoly Fomenko increased this number to 1000 years in his books. Anatoly Fomenko claims that all of chronology rests on one guy, Joseph Scaliger (Scaligerian Chronology), the same guy is credited with re-descovery of 80% of the ancient authors and literature, most of the time on demand. Anatoly Fomenko also makes several other controversial claims in his work, specifically that Charlemagne was not a real person, but one of the phantom individuals Catholic Church made up to fill in their phantom 1000 years and Charlemagne is based on a real-life man known as Odoacer. Plato and Gemistus Plethon were one and the same. Genghis Khan and Attila The Hun were the same person. The Black Plague / Great Plague / Black Death / Bubonic Plague (it’s a copy to fill in the phantom 1000 years of supposed “Dark Ages”) is exactly the same event as the Justinian Plague. Also, the ‘first Rome’ was based out of Anatolia, in an area that is modern Istanbul. The last point I independently confirmed. Julius Caesar = Asander of Bosphorus, and all early Christianity traces back to to the Bosphorus. ↩
Julius Caesar was his title (Caesar is etymologically similar to the Indo-Aryan word for ‘king’ and Julius (Iulius) is similar to both (I)Jupiter and to the Indo-Aryan word for ‘sun’). Julius Caesar was deified in two religions: in the Flamen Dialis cult (Dialis is related to Diespiter, an Old Latin form of the name Jupiter) which made him the claimed son of (I)Jupiter (There was no letter J in Latin and (I)Jupiter is the Roman equivalent of Zeus and they both derive from the Aryan allfather Dyeus Pter which translates to Sky Father. The name Zeus comes from the pronunciation of ‘Dyeus’, and (I)Jupiter comes from the pronunciation of ‘Dyeus Pter’ -> Diespiter -> Iupiter), and he was deified posthumously in the Divus Iulius cult (Divus is synonymous to Dyeus, and as aforemented, Iulius derives from (I)Jupiter). He had a claimed divine birth, was put on trial, betrayed, sacrificed, and was a pontifex maximus (high priest) in his religion. \ ↩
The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife Papyrus.” The Nazarene Way, https://www.thenazareneway.com/Gospel%20of%20Jesus%20Wife%20Papyrus.htm.[link] \ –Asander and Julius Caesar both used the Nike crescent. Nike is the goddess who personifies victory in Greek mythology. https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/C_1987-0649-62 [link] https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/C_RPK-p137A-1-Nic [link] ↩
A coin of Dynamis, queen of Bosphorus, where she is depicted as Aphrodite ‘Urania’: https://www.forumancientcoins.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=880&pid=2383#top_display_media [link]. Dynamis carried the title Ouriana, refering to Aphrodite Urania (“heavenly Aphrodite”), the Greek godess. Cleopatra also depicted herself as Aphrodite. Cleopatra’s daughter Cleopatra Selene II was also Queen Thea Muse Ourania. \ –Another Dynamis coin depicting a Star and Crescent which was also the symbol of the royal house of Adiabene and later became a prominent symbol in Islam: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/1/1864 [link]. In ancient greek mythology Selene (meaning moon) is the goddess and personification of the Moon. Her symbol is the cresent mon. Cleopatra’s daughter, Cleopatra Selene II of Mauretania, coins also depict a star and crescent. \ –Julius Caesar also used the star and crescent symbol: https://www.accla.org/actaaccla/juliuscaesar.html [link] https://auctions.stacksbowers.com/lots/view/3-US7SY/julius-caesar-ar-denarius-392-gms-rome-mint-l-aemilius-buca-moneyer-lifetime-issue-44-bc-ngc-au-strike-45-surface-45-e [link] \ –Juba II (Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony’s son) also used the star and crescent symbol: https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/den_of_antiquity/48/product/mauretania_juba_ii_ar_denarius/1952816/Default.aspx [link] \ ↩
His name alludes to the Mithras cult. Mithraism was spread by Tiridates of Armenia (alias of Alexander, grandson of King Herod, Mithridates Chrestus descendant?) after Rome’s defeat of Parthia around 53 AD as a slave-morality religion to subjugate the Parthians. Mithras is inspired from Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Persians/Parthians, but Mithras is the same as Sabazios. It’s a solar son deity, a Jupiter (Mithridates Chrestus’s descendant carried the title Monobazus aka Manu-Sabazios). The Mithras cult has many similarities to Christianity; Mithras was born of a virgin, Mithras’ birth was celebrated on December 25, Mithras was considered a savior and redeemer, etc., although all these traits are ‘de jure’ of saviors in ancient religions, probably because they all came from the ‘Alexandrian School’ in Egypt. The Serapis cult, Gnosticism, Valentinianism, Christianity, Hermeticism, Mithraism, Manichaeism, Mandaeism, and many other religions came from the Alexandrian School. The Sibylline Oracles were the blueprint for these religions./ ↩
Jesus ben Fabus who was Isa Amen (Jesus Amen) of Rev. iii. 14 who was also Amyntas (Amen(tas)) of Galatia who was also Amyntas Nikator (the name Fabus may have been distorted by Josephus from Jesus ben Bagus. Amyntas was the son of Bogitarus. In Persian ‘Bagus’ means god. ‘Boga’ in Persian also means god and in the name Adobogiona ‘Bog-‘ means god in Celtic. In Latin Nikator translates tro Invictus). His palace at Iśauria reveals his name as Iśa. (See: Jesus Christ Was Amyntas of Galatia (2010) by Ranajit Pal [link]) ↩
The name Herod likely derives from the amalgamation of Horus and Hercules. Mark Antony claimed descent from Hercules and declared himself an incarnation of Horus. Herod became king of judaea around the time of Mark Antony’s “suicide”. This is typical for these elites, they would kill off one character and then assume another one in a different location as if they were actors in a play\ –The Shekel of Tyre that King Herod minted depicts Mark Antony and an image of Hercules: https://www.forumancientcoins.com/numiswiki/view.asp?key=tyrian%20shekels [link]. Herod also built a number of temples and shrines dedicated to Hercules, including one in Beirut and another in Tyre. He also depicted himself as Hercules in his Herodian Cult. King Herod’s son, Herod Antipas,has the same name as Mark Antony’s son, Antyllus. ↩
Jesus ben Gamala/Gamaliel aka Jesus ben Sapphias was also King Izas Ma’nu (Jesus Emmanuel) Monobazus of Adiabene aka Yeshua Cleopatros (Cantheras/Panthera) ben Josephus bar Menneus aka Ptolemy aka Yakov Zu Tolomoy. (See: Jesus, King of Edessa (2012) by Ralph Ellis [link]). King Izates of Monobazus was married to the sister of Dynamis’s mother. –Cleopatros in Hebrew is QLPTRS and was shortened on inscriptions to QTRS or Katros, later mistakenly recorded as Cantheras. So the Jews for derogatory reasons called it as Panthera. ie. Jesus Panthera. ↩
Tiridates II, King of Parthia.” Geni, https://www.geni.com/people/Tiridates-II-king-of-Parthia/6000000019000945876 [link] ↩
Davis, Henry. “The Royal Ancestry of the Roman Emperor Vespasian.” Medium, https://henrydavis-cc.medium.com/the-royal-ancestry-of-the-roman-emperor-vespasian-72e144335299. [link] ↩
Interpretatio Graeca.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretatio_graeca. [link] ↩
‘Antinous’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinous. [link] ↩
Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae, book 69, chapter 11 [link] ↩
Priscilla and Aquila’. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priscilla_and_Aquila [link] ↩
‘Hagarism’. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagarism [link] –Izates’s son was named ‘Zamaris’ (Zamaris the Babylonian jew) and Zamaris has the same meaning as Muhammad. Allah and Muhammad the red-headed warlord were parodies of Attila the Hun and his uncle Ruglia waging war against Rome (“Edom”) because they wanted the Arabs to attack eastern Rome). Rabbi Simon ben Yohai created the forrunner to Islam but cuting-and-pasting the Adiabene imperial cult. ↩
Encyclopaedia Judaica. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/keti-x0027-a-bar-shalom ↩
‘Secret Gospel of Mark’. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Gospel_of_Mark [link] ↩
‘Josephan Corpus Began Life as a Christian Forgery’ by Stephan Huller [link \ –‘Chasing Hegesippus’ by Peter Kirby link \ ↩
Study that traces the origins of ashkenazi jews to northern Turkey. The towns Ashkanaz, Ishkanaz, Eshkanaz, etc.’Genetic origins of Ashkenazi Jews. National Center for Biotechnology Information’ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5478715 [link]. ↩
Here is a study that shows jews shows matrilinially descend from four ‘Sicilian’ women (Ashkenazi Jewish women descended mostly from Italian converts, new study asserts. Genetic Literacy Project https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2013/10/08/ashkenazi-jewish-women-descended-mostly-from-italian-converts-new-study-asserts [link]. It wasn’t Sicilian women that they matrilinially descend from, it was neolithic proto-Sicilian women from Anatolia before they moved to Sicily, while the jews moved to Cannan. The Anatolians were Phrygians, Hittites, Carians, and Galatians. The Phrygians were originally from Romania/Dacia and were followers of the Sabazios cult, the Hittites (Scythian/proto-ashkenazi jews before mixing with Neanderthals in Cannan? (Ancient DNA reveals complex population dynamics in the Near East. Nature, https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-70206-y [link]), the Carians have a strong connection with the settlement of Rome (Aquilla = Qos = god of Kos of Caria), Sparta, and Canaan, and the Galatians were Celtic and were Druids.\ ↩
You can read more about the Jew-Neanderthal connection here: (Humans and Neanderthals likely interbred in the Middle East. Science Magazine, https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/01/humans-and-neandertals-likely-interbred-middle-east), (Remains of hybrid Neanderthal-Sapiens population found in Israel. Haaretz, https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-11-08/ty-article-magazine/.premium/remains-of-hybrid-neanderthal-sapiens-population-found-in-israel/0000017f-dbcf-db5a-a57f-dbef18940000), (Evidence of human-Neanderthal hybrids found in Israeli cave. Forward, https://forward.com/culture/434525/evidence-of-human-neanderthal-hybrids-found-in-israeli-cave), (The Chosen People: Caucasus, Deceptions, and Historical. Amazon, https://www.amazon.com/Chosen-People-Caucasus-Deceptions-Historical/dp/0883781476), (Genetic studies of Jews. National Center for Biotechnology Information, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6309227), (Genetic studies of Jews. Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jews), (Ashkenazi Jewish population history revealed by ancient DNA analysis. GenomeWeb, https://www.genomeweb.com/sequencing/ashkenazi-jewish-population-history-revealed-ancient-dna-analysis), (Ashkenazi gene increases schizophrenia. Haaretz, https://www.haaretz.com/2013-11-26/ty-article/.premium/ashkenazi-gene-increases-schizophrenia/0000017f-e04b-d75c-a7ff-fccfa3e10000), (Genetic studies of Jews. National Center for Biotechnology Information, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7465115/), (So, are the Neanderthals still Jews? Slate, https://slate.com/news-and-politics/1997/08/so-are-the-neanderthals-still-jews.html), (Did modern humans and Neanderthals really meet in the Negev? Haaretz, https://www.haaretz.com/archaeology/2021-06-21/ty-article/.premium/did-modern-humans-and-neanderthals-really-meet-in-the-negev/), (BBC News, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57586315), (New America Government, https://archive.ph/2024.02.24-211636/https://newamericangovernment.org/ailink/802/), (Blogger, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiyDzxbNmb6Oj5aDWOknO84-hwkdkoi) \ ↩
‘Galatians (People)’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galatians_(people) ↩
Josephus. Vol. 5: Antiquities: 8:2:5, pp. 593-595 ↩
‘Divine julius cult’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_imperial_cult#Divus_Julius ↩
Gmirkin, Russell (2016). Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible. ↩
‘Abaris the Hyperborean’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abaris_the_Hyperborean –“And the Celtic Druids investigated to the very highest point the Pythagorean philosophy, after Zamolxis, by birth a Thracian, a servant of Pythagoras, became to them the originator of this philosophy” – ‘The Refutation of All Heresies’, Chapter XXII.–The Druids; Progenitors of their System by St. Hippolytus. In the same book St. Hippolytus says: “Pyrrho was an Academic; this (speculator) taught the in-comprehensibility of everything. The Brahmins among the Indians, and the Druids among the Celts, and Hesiod (devoted themselves to philosophic pursuits)”\ –Hyperborea, which just like Atlantis, was another name for Ireland. The word Atlantis means ‘The Island of Atlas’. The titan Atlas was a key figure in Greek mythology and is depicted as being the bearer of the heavens. According to early Greek mythology, Atlas lived on the sacred island of Hyperborea. Over time Hyperborea became Hybernia or Hibernia, the Roman name for Ireland.\ ↩
‘Druidism and Vedism compared’. https://www.academia.edu/13113385/Druidism_and_Vedism_Compared ↩
Kraft, H. (2015, May 4). Ancient Persian Inscriptions Link a Babylonian King to the Man Who Became Buddha. Ancient Origins Reconstructing the Story of Humanity’s Past; Ancient Origins. https://www.ancient-origins.net/opinion-guest-authors/ancient-persian-inscriptions-link-babylonian-king-man-who-became-buddha-003001 ↩
https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Zoroastrianism_and_Hinduism [link] ↩
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Buddhism ↩
“King of Kings.” Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_Kings#Hellenic_usage [link] ↩
‘Kay Bahman’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kay_Bahman ↩
https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015046413939&seq=7 ↩
https://web.archive.org/web/20240118080032/https://www.hindupedia.com/en/Zoroastrianism_and_Hinduism ↩
https://www.academia.edu/695219/Diodotus_I_was_Ashoka_An_Altar_of_Alexander_Now_Standing_Near_Delhi [link –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar_Greek_Edicts_of_Ashoka ↩
‘Alexander Romance’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Alexander_Romance ↩
https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015046413939&seq=7 ↩
‘Jesus Among the Julio-Claudians’ (2017) by Charles N. Pope [link] ↩
https://www.heraldgoa.in/Edit/Opinions/Are-Brahmins-Jews/79561 ↩
‘Asura’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asura ↩
https://dienekes.blogspot.com/2018/04/r1ans-still-at-large-or-story-of-india.html ↩
‘Ptolemaic cult of Alexander the Great’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemaic_cult_of_Alexander_the_Great ↩
https://www.jesusneverexisted.com/syncretism.html ↩
‘Letter of Aristeas’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_of_Aristeas ↩
https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page%3AWorks_Translated_by_William_Whiston.djvu/546 ↩
‘Land_of_Onias#Jewish_temple_at_Leontopolis’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_Onias#Jewish_temple_at_Leontopolis ↩
https://discoveringancienthistory.wordpress.com/2017/10/24/the-jews-of-sparta-diplomatic-origins-of-religious-synchronization/ –‘Areus I. Areus and the Jews’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Areus_I#Areus_and_the_Jews ↩
‘Great_Assembly’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Assembly ↩
‘Simeon the Just’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_the_Just ↩
Josephus. Antiquities, XI. 8. Talmud, Yoma 67b ↩
http://www.biblesearchers.com/yahshua/davidian/dynasty4.shtml#SimonJesus ↩
Simon was also “Simon the Essene” the founder of the Essene sect and “Simon Peter” in the bible? The term “Peter” is derived from the Latin “Pater” meaning “father,” denoting the Essene High Priest. The Essenes called themselves “the Sons of Zadok” and Simon was the heir of the Zadokite (High Priest) dynasty. One of Simon’s sons used the title Zadok as his name (Josephus: Antiquities 18:1:1). Sadduc (Sadducean) and Zadok are the same word rendered respectively the Greek way and the Hebrew way in our alphabet. The Sons of Zadok are a family of priests (kohanim) that descended from Zadok and are the upper echelons of Judean society. Also, Ha-Simeon = Hasmoneans. The Kohanim were entrusted with carrying the Torah and other jewish writings and their status transferred from father to son. –The name “Simon” probably denoted that he was of the tribe of Simon/Simeon –In Hebrew, the house of Onias is “Beit Honniyah”. –The name “Boethus” is a misrecorded name from oral tradition. It was Bayztus originally, or bar YZT or bar Izates. YZT being the original Aramaic and Izates a Greek sounding variant. It meant “Yakov zu Tolomy” or Jacob aka Ptolemy. –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_to_Flora (the Letter to Flora and the Tripartite Tractate write about a Gnostic teacher called “Ptolemy” who I identify as Ptolemy Menneus aka Simon Boethus aka Simon Magus). –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zadok#Other_Zadoks –Does the bust depicting a late Ptolemaic leader sometimes attributed to Ptolemy IX actually depict Ptolemy Menneus aka Simon Boethus aka Simon Magus? The bust depicts a jewish physiognomy and a beard shaved in a jewish style. https://collections.mfa.org/objects/151135/portrait-head-of-a-late-ptolemaic-ruler-ptolemy-ix ↩
‘Therapeutae’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therapeutae —Greco-Buddhism. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Buddhism —https://www.jesusneverexisted.com/buddha.html ↩
‘Sibylline_Oracles’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibylline_Oracles ↩
‘History of the Jews in Alexandria’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Alexandria ↩
‘Simon_Magus’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Magus ↩
https://fabpedigree.com/s046/f010384.htm ↩
https://www.geni.com/people/Elizabeth-of-Jerusalem-Queen-Alexandra-II/6000000005790348026 ↩
‘Helena of Adiabene’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helena_of_Adiabene ↩
https://earlywritings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8155 ↩
‘Simonians’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simonians ↩
Sophia was just a repackaging of the Greek deity Athena who was the daughter of Zeus. –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_%28Gnosticism%29 ↩
‘Naassenes’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naassenes ↩
https://www.geni.com/people/Queen-Mariamne-Hasmonean/6000000002428793929— –https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariamne —https://web.archive.org/web/20230525235841/https://www.thenazareneway.com/MaryMagdaleneSinnerorQueen.htm ↩
https://www.geni.com/people/Joshua-ben-Gamla-Gamaliel-High-Priest-of-Iudaea/6000000016324909410 ↩
‘Simeon ben Hillel’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_ben_Hillel ↩
https://www.geni.com/people/Saulos/6000000019966732612 ↩
https://www.geni.com/people/Mariamne-King-Herod-5th-wife/6000000007479707449 ↩
Alexander (grandson of Herod the Great). Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_(grandson_of_Herod_the_Great%29). –MM Chart: The Nazarene Way. https://thenazareneway.com/MM%20Chart.htm –Gaius Julius Alexander. Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaius_Julius_Alexander –Gaius Julius Alexander, Herodian Prince of Judaea. https://www.geni.com/people/Gaius-Julius-Alexander-Herodian-Prince-of-Judaea/6000000011707342171 –Alexander the Alabarch. Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_the_Alabarch. –King Tetrarch Ptolemy Alexander bar Menneus. Geni. https://www.geni.com/people/king-Tetrarch-Ptolemy-Alexander-bar-Menneus/6000000069960460873 –Ptolemy II, King of Mauretania. Geni. https://www.geni.com/people/Ptolemy-II-King-of-Mauretania/6000000003645853518 –Apollonius of Tyana. Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonius_of_Tyana#Comparisons_with_Jesus. –“Mary Magdalene Sinner or Queen.”. The Nazarene Way. https://www.thenazareneway.com/MaryMagdaleneSinnerorQueen.htm –Alexander’s (grandson of King Herod) father Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Alexandros III aka Juba II was supposed to have been killed by his father Herod, but this is obviously untrue. Josephus even has a story about a “spurious Alexander” that showed up in Rome claiming to be the son of Herod who faked his death [link]. Alexander (son of King Herod) was executed by Caligula (probably for spreading the psyop religion) –Alexander (son of King Herod) aka Juba II was also “Monobazus” who was the king of the Parthian client state of Adiabene in the 20s and 30s of the 1st century AD. This is why the Muslims refer to jesus as “Isa” or “Iza” and in the Yazadi (Izadi) religion the prophet is Sultan Ezid. –“for Alexander [son of King Herod] had two sons by Glaphyra”. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book XVII. Containing The Interval Of Fourteen Years—From The Death Of Alexander And Aristobulus To The Banishment Of Archelaus [link] –Matrilineally, Alexander (grandson of King Herod) and his sister wife “Philo” descend from Mark Antony and Cleopatra. The Talmud says that Mark Antony was born to a jewish mother. His first wife Fulva was jewish, and Cleopatra was a Ptolemaic ruler and her family had a long history of intermarriage with Jews, so this family was almost fully jewish. The bust attributed to Mark Antony that is housed in the Vatican Museum was made over a century after he died during the Flavian dynasty. This: https://imgur.com/7RnVvRv is the only bust that is believed to have been made during his lifetime. –Alexander (grandson of King Herod) was the controller of the Egyptian gold mines, shipping ports and warehouses, at least 1/3 of the imperial Roman revenue went through him. He was also the administrator for the extensive land estates in Egypt owned by his aunt Antonia Minor (Emperor Claudius’s wife, Emperor Augustus niece, and she was Mark Anthony’s youngest daughter) (Josephus, Jewish Antiquities, 19.276). ↩
MM Chart. The Nazarene Way. https://thenazareneway.com/MM%20Chart.htm ↩
‘Son of God’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_of_God ↩
“Archiereus megistos” could be an expansion/backronym for “Christos” ↩
‘Julia gens’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_gens ↩
Caesar’s Messiah Commentary. The Nazarene Way. https://web.archive.org/web/20100313155615/http://www.thenazareneway.com/Caesar%27s%20Messiah%20Commentary.htm ↩
Philo’s Exegesis. The Nazarene Way. https://www.thenazareneway.com/Philo%27s%20Exegesis.htm ↩
Fig. 1.1 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Denarius_C._Memmius_C._F._Romulus.jpg ↩
https://web.archive.org/web/20110807082345/http://truthbeknown.com/apollonius.html —https://thenazareneway.com/MM%20Chart.htm ↩
Scipio Africanus was the first high priest in the Flammen Dialis cult which made him the claimed son of Jupiter Optimus Maximus. His mother was divinely impregnanted by Jupiter. He was also the Salian Priest of Mars, ‘second Romulus’ (founder of Rome), and Consul of the Republic and Censor. He was the ‘messiah’ of Rome. Julius Caesar modeled himself off of Alexander the Great and Scipio. ↩
‘The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors’. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World’s_Sixteen_Crucified_Saviors ↩
‘Jesus Among the Julio-Claudians’ (2017) by Charles N. Pope’ [link] ↩
Josephus, Antiquities, 15.342-3, 16.86-7, 17.20-1 and 52-3 ↩
Regent Alexandra bat Mattathias. Geni. https://www.geni.com/people/Regent-Alexandra-bat-Mattathias/6000000069960750860 ↩
Jesus Among the Julio Claudians. Charles N. Pope. Pg.108 ↩
Arrius Varus. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrius_Varus ↩
Jesus Among the Julio-Claudians. Charles N. Pope. Pg.107 ↩
The Royal Ancestry Of The Roman Emperor Vespasian. Henry Davis. https://henrydavis-cc.medium.com/the-royal-ancestry-of-the-roman-emperor-vespasian-72e144335299 ↩
Roman portrait bust of Emperor Vespasian, 69-79 AD, from Ostia. National Roman Museum, Rome, Italy. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/files/1966/01/bust-emperor-vespian.jpg ↩
Juvenal, Saturae 6.155–158. Josephus, Antiquities, 20.145–146 ↩
‘Jesus Among the Julio-Claudians’ (2017) by Charles N. Pope [link] Pg. 115 ↩
In the gospels “Paul the Apostle” even writes about his desire to have a sister-wife like all the other apostles: “Have we not a right to eat and drink? Have we not a right to take round a sister-wife, as even the rest of the apostles, and the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?” Rotherham Bible. 1 Cor 9 ↩
The reason why the Roman aristocracy used so many aliases and acted as different characters as if they were actors in a play was to hide the fact that the population was ruled by an oligarchy because if they knew they would revolt. Also, multiple names hides the fact that these royal families were heavily into incest which would have repulsed the population. –https://www.henryhdavis.com/about (more on aliases and nomenclature). ↩
He was sent to the island of Ponza (Pontia) (Tacitus, Annals, 14.59) where high level political prisoners were kept and was tortured to death in 38CE immediately after Philo’s embassy to Caligula. ↩
Philo: Legatio ad Gaium (Embassy to Gaius) ↩
Rylands Papyri. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rylands_Papyri#:~:text=koine –Septuagint manuscripts. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septuagint_manuscripts#:~:text=The%20Septuagint%20%28LXX%29%2C%20the,exists%20in%20various%20manuscript%20versions ↩
Language of the New Testament. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_of_the_New_Testament –Jewish Koine Greek. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Koine_Greek ↩
Josephus, Jewish War vi, 9 –How Yahweh Conquered Rome. Laurent Guyénot. https://www.unz.com/article/how-yahweh-conquered-rome/ ↩
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudius%27_expulsion_of_Jews_from_Rome —https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabazios#Jewish_connection —Emperor Caligula Brought an End to the Illustrious Ptolemies, but Why?. Ancient Origins Reconstructing the Story of Humanity’s Past. www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/emperor-caligula-brought-end-illustrious-ptolemies-why-007591 —https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabazios#Jewish_connection —Emperor Caligula Brought an End to the Illustrious Ptolemies, but Why?. Ancient Origins Reconstructing the Story of Humanity’s Past. www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/emperor-caligula-brought-end-illustrious-ptolemies-why-007591 ↩